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1. What is the sprouter for?

The sprouter (Kiełkownik) is used for home and year-round cultivation of sprouts.

2. What do I need to grow sprouts?

Water and scissors!

When you buy the sprouter, you receive a ready-made set for growing sprouts, which includes: a ceramic bowl, a metal sieve, a felt cap and a package with a manual. To start growing, you will also need BIO seeds, water and scissors (to cut the sprouts).

3. What types of sprouts can be grown in the sprouter?

In the sprouter you can grow all sprouting seeds that are available in stores (e.g. lucerne, mustard, broccoli, radish, basil, cress, mung bean, wheat, carrot, etc.). However, seeds intended for ground cultivation should not be used.

4. What is the felt cap for?

Some seeds sprout better without access to light, so you should use a felt cap that darkens the area, but allows air to pass through.

5. Which seeds sprout in the cap?

Seeds of beetroot, mung bean, carrot, pea and radish.

6. What are the basic principles of growing sprouts?

- Wash the bowl and the sieve thoroughly.

- Pour cold water into the bowl, so that the sieve is slightly submerged.

- Pour the seeds into the sieve.

- Change the water and rinse the sprouts twice a day.

- Use a cap if you are growing seeds that sprout in the dark (see points 4 and 5)

- The most common cause of the damage of sprouts is a combination of too much humidity, too high temperature and lack of air (more in point 9).

7. How often do I need to change water in the sprouter?

Water should be changed twice a day. In the first few days, carefully lift the sieve to protect seeds from getting lost.

In addition to changing water, it is very important to rinse the sprouts. In order to do this, pour water through the hole to wet the sieve, then pour it out. It is best to repeat this action 2-3 times in a row.

8. Why do I have problems with growing sprouts?

Each type of sprouts should be grown differently. Some seeds like light and others like darkness. Some seeds grow quickly (radish or cress) and others, like beetroot or carrot, need up to two weeks. You can find more information about growing individual seeds at www.facebook/kielkowniki

If you have a problem with growing sprouts, write to us, we will help :)

9. How is the sprouter produced?

The sprouter consists of several elements (bowl, sieve, cap, seeds, package). Each element is manufactured in Poland in small local companies. All parts come to Warsaw, where they are carefully assembled and sent straight to your kitchen windowsill.

10. What certificates does Kiełkownik have?

We use the following materials: ceramic bowl, sieve made of stainless steel. They are certified for contact with food (manufacturer's certificates).

11. Who created the sprouters?

We created them - namely two sisters, Anna Żukowska and Katarzyna Żukowska (graduates of the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw, Faculty of Painting and Interior Design).

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